Welcome to the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission’s Arizona State Crisis Intervention Program (AzSCIP) page. The Commission, through funding provided by the US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, will implement AzSCIP to provide resources to local, county, and state entities to tackle gun-related crime head-on, foster safer communities, and enhance the functionality of our criminal justice system.
Through financial support for innovative, evidence-based projects at all levels of the state, AzSCIP will work to mitigate gun violence, preserve lives by diminishing gun-related fatalities, and decrease the frequency of gun-related injuries.
Here, you will find information about our program goals, how to apply for the AzSCIP grant, public meetings and events, and a wealth of resources related to our cause.
Whether you're a law enforcement officer, a community leader, a student, or a concerned citizen, we invite you to explore our website, learn more about our efforts, and join us in making Arizona a safer place for all. Together, we can make a difference.
Thank you for visiting the AzSCIP website. Your commitment to creating safer communities is greatly appreciated.
For further information about the AzSCIP Grant, please contact us at (602) 364-1163 or email:[email protected].. We look forward to working together to make Arizona safer.
If you are interested in receiving more information on the State Crisis Intervention Program, please register here:
To sign up for notifications about the AzSCIP grant, sign up here:
FY2024 Arizona State Crisis Intervention Program Pre-Application Webinar-October 5, 2023
Past meetings, minutes, and presentations
On June 25, 2022, President Biden signed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act of 2022 into law to reduce gun violence and save lives, and make progress toward keeping guns out of dangerous hands. The Arizona State Crisis Intervention Program (AzSCIP) aims to significantly reduce gun violence and crime in the state through strategic funding of relevant initiatives and programs.
The AzSCIP Grant seeks to achieve the following major goals and their accompanying goals and objectives:
Eligible entities for the AzSCIP Grant include state and local government units, tribal government agencies, institutes of higher learning, behavioral health organizations, and private and nonprofit neighborhood or community-based organizations.
Funding priorities under the AzSCIP Grant include but are not limited to court-based programs, behavioral health initiatives, and law enforcement training focused on gun safety. Eligible programs might range from specialized court-based programs to behavioral health deflection for those at risk, to law enforcement-based programs, training, and technology, and community-based firearm death and injury reduction efforts, and many more.
For further information about the AzSCIP Grant, please contact us at (602) 364-1163 or email [email protected]. We look forward to working together to make Arizona safer.
Through these goals and goals and objectives, the AzSCIP Grant aims to foster a safer, more peaceful Arizona.
The AzSCIP, in accordance with the Byrne SCIP guidelines, will allocate a minimum of 40% of grant funding (less 10% administrative allocation) to local governments. This includes providing financial support to the state Administrative Office of the Courts for jurisdictions with populations less than 10,000. The process for awarding these subawards involves a comprehensive evaluation and approval process:
Role of the Advisory Board
The governance structure of the Crisis Advisory Board is designed to maintain a balance of power and ensure a democratic decision-making process. The board is charged with critical decisions such as approving the SCIP grant program plan, overall budget, and all grant projects. Furthermore, the board also maintains the authority to approve any changes to the grant budget or grant projects. This structure allows the board to uphold accountability, integrity, and transparency in the operations of the SCIP grant program.
The Crisis Advisory Board will convene as needed, with the administrative assistance provided by the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission (ACJC) staff. An assigned project manager from the ACJC will also aid in coordinating and facilitating these meetings. Board meetings will take place at the ACJC offices, offering flexibility for members to participate either in person or remotely, accommodating the busy schedules of the board members.
In the spirit of transparency and community involvement, the board's meetings will be public. This commitment to openness ensures that the decisions are made with the highest level of integrity and that the actions reflect the best interests of the communities they serve.
The Crisis Advisory Board is dedicated to overseeing the SCIP grant program's responsible and efficient use, ensuring the best outcomes for the community's safety and well-being.